Frequently asked questions

Where can I get information about prices, services or, for example, which route is right for me?

  • Before you go, you will find all the information on our website,
  • On the information board to the left of the adventure park entrance,
  • On entering the Park, you can find full details of the trails, equipment and prices on the sign to the right of the entrance,
  • Detailed information and prices are available for each instrument,
  • Our colleagues are also ready to help you!

Where can I buy a ticket?

There is no entrance fee, the entrance to the Serpa Adventure Park is free of charge, you only have to pay for the use of the equipment. You can pay for the services of Serpa Kalandpark in Serpa Kalandpark (independently of the BalatoniBob cash desk) to the colleague at the sign CASSA. To avoid multiple queues, please get your information first and then buy your tickets for the equipment and tracks you want to use at the same time.

How much is the ticket?

There is no entrance fee to the Serpa Adventure Park. You can pay for the use of the obstacle course or other equipment of your choice, based on the prices shown on our website and on the information boards.

Can I pay by credit card or Széchenyi Recreation card (SZÉP card)?

You can pay for our services not only by cash, but also by credit card or even by Széchenyi Recreation card (SZÉP card).

Should we start with a bobsled slide or an adventure park?

The opening hours of the Serpa Adventure Park are different from the other units of the BalatoniBob Leisure Park, we close a few hours earlier in every period. It's worth starting at our place so that you don't arrive at our place in the minutes before closing time after a long bobsleigh ride. It may also be useful to calculate the running time of the obstacle course you have chosen in advance, because we let the last testers go counting down from the closing time, in line with the average running time of the courses! Even our shortest courses will not start within the last half hour!

Do I need to check in before arrival?

We are open on weekends during low and high season. During this period, groups are required to check-in on weekdays and are welcome from Monday to Friday, while individual visitors are welcome on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays without check-in. During the high summer season, you are welcome to come at any time during the opening hours, but groups of more than 15 people are welcome to arrive in advance, which is also appreciated in order to ensure a smooth service.

Do the helpers supervise the guests on the obstacle courses?

Our staff will keep an eye on all guests throughout the adventure park! On the obstacle courses, our rescuers will help the testers, and in case of a problem, we can rescue the victim immediately and professionally.

Can we bring a dog to the adventure park?

Small four-legged friends are welcome, we just ask that they pick up the poop that is expected elsewhere. In warmer weather, drinking water will be put out for them.

Serpa Adventure Park Ltd. © 2002-2024 All rights reserved.